Foundational Wellness Course Development


Project Deliverables:

  • Conducted extensive scientific, consumer, and market research.
  • Designed and wrote 8 student guides (388 pages total) and 56 resources and worksheets.
  • Wrote 25 video scripts and directing course instructors and video talent.

Project Goals:

  • Empower individuals to reclaim their health through proper nutrition, movement, sleep, and other lifestyle shifts.
  • Create a source of passive income for the Nutritional Therapy Association.
  • Create an entry level course that acts as a sales funnel to higher cost certification programs.

Project Description:

Foundational Wellness is an 8-module self-study course that shows you how to:

  • Reclaim abundant energy so that you can live life to the fullest.
  • Nourish your body to prevent or support chronic health issues.
  • Optimize your weight without ever feeling deprived.
  • Enhance your digestion so that you can better absorb your nutrients.
  • Balance your lifestyle with rest, play, mindset, and movement.
  • Design emotional, social, and home environments that support your health goals.